APC administration deceiving Nigerians exposed by Atiku’s aide Phrank Shaibu, in a statement on 24th September, 2023.

  • Prank Shaibu’s Statement.
  • Tinubu stated that the petrol subsidy is gone.
  • The United Arab Emirates had lifted the visa ban on Nigerians.
  • US President Joe Biden requested to meet with African Leaders.
  • The government claims that the terrorists were neutralized.
  • Claims on Afrexim loan of $3bn to stabilize Naira

The Former Vice President of Nigeria Atiku Abubakar’s Special Assistant on Public Communication, Phrank Shaibu has berated the All Progressives Congress for allegedly using propaganda to deceive Nigerians.

Shaibu in a statement on Sunday also listed alleged lies of the APC-led federal government.

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According to the aid, President Bola Tinubu-led administration was only interested in “telling lies” rather than rescuing citizens from the bottomless pit of bad governance.

He charged the Nigerian media to always fact-check any claim made by the federal government to maintain their credibility.

Petrol Subsidy

1. Bola Tinubu in his inaugural speech, stated that the petrol subsidy is gone. With oil prices now at $94 per barrel and naira exchanging at N1,000/$1.

However, the price of diesel has risen to about N1,000 per liter while petrol remains at about N620 per liter.

It is obvious to the discerning mind that petrol is now being subsidized, a position which all oil marketers have espoused.

Nigerians should not be deceived,” Shaibu said.

Banned Lifted

2. The claim that the United Arab Emirates had lifted the visa ban on Nigerians immediately and that all Nigerians were free to visit Dubai.

This was well celebrated by many undiscerning Nigerians whose only crime was to believe the deceptive words of an illegitimate government.

UAE authorities later confirmed to CNN that it was all a lie. What a national embarrassment!

Joe Biden Request

3. “A statement issued by Ajuri Ngelale on August 27, 2023, US Presidential Envoy and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Ambassador Molly Phee, was quoted as saying,

“President Joe Biden is asking to meet with you on the sidelines of UNGA and you are the only African leader he has requested to meet”.

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It is a mark of his high regard for your leadership.”

Well, this has turned out to be another embarrassing lie as Tinubu has departed UNGA and never met President Biden.

Government Fake Claims

4. On August 14, 2023, the Nigerian government said on its official Twitter handle that the Nigerian Air Force struck terrorists gathering at Kurebe in Shiroro LGA in Niger State.

The government claimed that the terrorists were neutralized.

Premium Times has revealed in its latest report that this is nothing but propaganda as those people killed were innocent civilians.

“The Central Bank of Nigeria said on September 6, 2023, that within two weeks, it would inject $10 billion into the foreign exchange market to clear the FX backlog.

Days after the deadline, not a single cent has been injected into the system as the naira continues its free fall.

Claims of loan

5. “Last month, the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited claimed they had obtained an Afrexim loan of $3bn with which it would help stabilize the naira.

We raised the alarm that it was all a ruse to deceive Nigerians.

At least we have been justified as the naira is now trading at $1/N1,000 on the black market, while Afrexim Bank has refused to speak on it.

Student Loan

6. The biggest scam and deceit of the Tinubu administration was the Student Loan Act, which he signed on June 12.

The new law provides loans for students’ tuition only. It doesn’t cover any other educational expenses.

But unfortunately, after the law was signed, all federal government schools began increasing school fees.

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