Longest nose in the world

World longest nose ever Thomas Wedders, an 18th-century circus performer, had the world’s longest nose ever recorded at 7.5 inches.

Social media is a repository of unique content. This time, the users are surprised to know about the man with the longest nose in the world, a record unbeaten for 300 years. It’s also recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records.

This individual is so well-known that a wax statue of him has been erected at a London museum.

The name of the person with the longest nose in the world was Thomas Woodhouse. His picture has been shared on a Twitter account named Pubity.

According to the report, Thomas Wedders, in the 18th century was a circus performer who had the world’s longest nose ever recorded at 7.5 inches.

On the Guinness World Records website, there is also a page that is dedicated to this individual.

According to sources, Wadhouse lived in England during the 1770s and worked in a circus. A wax replica of his head is even on display at London’s Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Museum.

The caption reads, “Meet Thomas Wadhouse, the man with the world’s longest nose.”




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