Mystery of Cassava Leaf, the leaves are consumed as green vegetable leaves, and are also used in traditional medicine.

If you are suffering from any kind of health problem, this is the right remedy for you.

It is a very cheap and also a common plant that has been cultivated for years.

This article will tell us the mystery of Cassava leaf, also, its importance as a food source for many people.

The reason is writing this article about cassava leaf is because I have been eating it for a while now.

This is because, it contains a high amount of vitamin C, so it helps maintain our skin, and also acts easily in curing all sicknesses.

Cassava leaf is a mystery, if you start drinking the leaf it will help you to cure so many sicknesses, and believe me, you won’t like to stop using it again.

Cassava leaf can cure cancer, it helps to cure fibroid, ovarian cysts or blood fallopian tubes, stroke, diabetes, and infection.

It will also help in curing cough, high blood pressure, and food poisoning, and helps people that have low sperm count.

If you are a man, and you are struggling with low sperm count, cassava leaf will take care of it and make you last in bed.

When someone is struggling with a sickness that has weighed them down cassava leaf will cure it.

It cures typhoid fever, cures HIV, malaria, sight improvement, burst memory, and increases fertility.

How to prepare it.

Get enough cassava leaves, and wash it with very clean water, pour it inside the pot, and placed it on heat, apply water to it.

Boil it very well for like 10 to 15 minutes depending on the pressure of your gas.

Bring it down, and fetch it for like half glass cup or full glass cup.

Doing so will go a long way,

If you have cancer.

Add a half teaspoon full of honey, mix it very well, and drink it.

If you have fibroid

Use a teaspoonful of honey, mix it with the cassava leaves, and drink this mixture.

For menstrual cycle problem

Do not mix it with honey, use the pure cassava leave, and drink it.

Treats HIV

If you have HIV and you want it to go, be drinking one glass of it every day.

To treat stroke

Drink one cup daily, without honey.

For typhoid fever

Mix it with honey, and drink it for three (3) good days, it will disappear.


Use one glass cup of it without honey, and take it daily for like 3 to 5 days.

Ovarian Cyst or Blood Fallopian Tube

Read More: Cassava Leaf For Ovarian Cysts

Mix the cassava leave with honey and drink one cup, then after 7 days drink another cup of it.

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